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Stiegelmeyer集团于1900年在德国黑尔福德注册成立,迄今有超过120年的发展历史,一直专注于电动护理床和医院病床的自主研发和生产,拥有33项发明专利和实用专利,是德国医疗健康领域的高品质品牌和创新领导者。目前,Stiegelmeyer家庭护理类床占有德国和欧洲市场份额分别约80%和40%,医院病床类占德国和欧洲市场份额分别约75%和25%的市场,养老机构分别约50%和20%的市场份额。已在全球100个国家和地区销售超过一千万张床,年销售额近2亿欧元。Stiegelmeyer还曾是1936年和1972年两届奥林匹克运动会的床类产品供应商,为运动员提供良好的睡眠体验。 Stiegelmeyer德利康2021年进入中国市场,将在华总部和生产基地设于广东佛山,以大湾区为基地,辐射亚太地区。
地址: 广东省佛山市顺德区乐从镇文华南路8号保利商务中心1座3007室
  • Libra 伴侣床

    The Libra partner bed is an early double care bed on the market, designed to make senior partner relationships more fulfilling - the Libra partner bed provides a flexible solution in any situation. Libra partner bed and Libra standard bed are essentially identical in appearance and function and can meet different professional care needs. Equipped with two handheld remote controls, it allows for left and right zone separation without interference. Through the handheld remote control, functions such as back raising, back-leg linkage, leg lifting/flat lifting and whole bed height lifting can be realized. At the same time Libra partner bed has a high level of flexibility, considering the potential needs of elderly companions, it can easily and lowly separate the bed and place it independently in different parts of the room.

  • Libra 电动护理床

    Libra is a specially designed low level bed with 3/4 sectional safety rails that provides a high level of safety while allowing the elderly/patients full freedom of movement. Libra has an adjustable minimum height of 25 cm, close to the floor, to minimize the risk of injury to the elderly or patients falling out of bed. Stiegelmeyer follows the Werdenfels principle and uses segmented safety rails to reserve space for the elderly/patient to get in and out of bed, guaranteeing freedom of movement for the elderly/patient.

  • Dali 电动护理床

    Dali is Stiegelmeyers best-selling nursing bed in Germany. The whole bed is made of high-quality, environmentally friendly E1-grade panels with low maintenance. It can be used to raise the back, lift the legs, and raise and lower the entire bed height through a handheld remote control. The patented Easy Click system allows the user to install and remove the safety rails and bed panels in just a few seconds. The fully enclosed safety rails can effectively reduce the risk of elderly people falling out of bed.
